About Us

On this day in the year of 2K23 , time of digitalization , MURSHIDABAD SAIMA WELFARE SOCIETY thinks one step ahead for the human being . MURSHIDABAD SAIMA WELFARE SOCIETY Dreams a Educated Indian society free from corruption and filled with humanity..

  •  Education
  •  Community
  •  Education
  •  Education
  •  Teamwork
  •  Creativity

Our sustainable and holistic interventions in Health, Livelihood, Education, Local Culture, Agecare, Disaster Response, Advocacy and Awarness on rights and policies relating to Women and Elders. We also focous on Environmental Problems and Strey Animals.

Our Activities

I think people forget that it doesn't take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.


Selfless giving is the art of living.

Orphan Children

Children is a representative of God.

Dowry Women

We rise by lifting others.

Anti Traffiking

Real living is living for others.

Tree Plantation

This earth is Dependable by Tree khcgkjdhsajkdhjakhdjk


Believe you can & you’re halfway.

Health Care

Take care of your body to live long.


Change is the end result of all learning.